On April 25, the new Global Report “Ensuring safety and health at work in changing climate” was shared by International Labour Organization, in which it is pointed out that ongoing climate change causes extreme conditions around the world, with serious effects on the safety and health of workers:
Major impacts of climate change on worker health and safety, in terms of the severity and extent of their effects, include excessive heat, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, extreme weather events, vector-borne diseases, changes in the use of agrochemicals, and air pollution in the workplace.
Atmospheric particulate matter (a major component of air pollution) and diesel exhaust have been classified by IARC as human carcinogens, and exposure-response estimates for workers in the transportation and mining industries show that about 6 % of annual lung cancer deaths in these workers may be due to exposure to diesel exhaust (Vermeulen et al. 2013).
Enterprisers are increasingly being called upon to contribute to climate change mitigation strategies by finding ways to reduce workplace emissions and implementing sustainable work practices.