Full Professor in Fluid Dynamics.

Skills and expertise:

  • Forecasts of wind and solar radiation fields for the renewable energy market.
  • Statistical calibration and machine learning methods for weather forecasting.
  • Eulerian models for the study of the pollutants dispersion and calibration methods through field measurements.
  • Complex fluid mechanics.
  • Energy harvesting.
  • Geophysical fluid dynamics.
  • Turbulent transport and mixing.

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Andrea Mazzino

  • Role: Founding Member
  • Location: Università degli Studi di Genova - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica Civile e Ambientale
  • Phone: +39 010 353 2489
  • Email: andrea.mazzino@pmten.it
  • Alternate Email: andrea.mazzino@unige.it