BIVIOS project provides data on environmental changes in bivalve farms, focusing on physical factors such as the input of sediment-containing waters to the farms and the movement of seabed sediments.
The goal, through the analysis with mathematical models of historical satellite data as well as direct observations (or measurement campaigns), is to be able to qualify the data needed to support the mitigation of negative effects on shellfish farming and thus develop a suite of information services and best practice proposals for shellfish farm managers.
Another very interesting aspect of the BIVIOS project is the implementation at the site of the Portofino Marine Protected Area of a pilot system for the co-cultivation and breeding of different animal and algal species for the restoration and reintroduction of some species in the wild. It is a multi-level system that allows the housing of different species according to their needs in terms of environmental characteristics, i.e. lighting, hydrodynamics, depth. The site is also equipped with innovative instrumentation to detect and monitor any juvenile forms of molluscs, including some species of interest to the MPA itself, such as Pinna Nobilis. This species has been included in the ASPIM (Specially Protected Area of Mediterranean Interest) protocol and is currently no longer observed on the MPA seabed due to an epidemic that has decimated its populations; the aim is therefore to see it flourish again in the project area.
Our role: PM_TEN’s task will be to develop and implement the meteorological and meteo-marine models required for the forecasting operation mode of the decision support system.